Sunday, December 25, 2011

Question 2: In what ways do you personally need to respond to James 5:16?

Personally I have struggled most difficultly with adultery (thoughts/fantasy of lust), sexual addiction (making men and sex my idols and "gods"), and half-truths (telling the truth in part but adding to the truth with lies to either make things seem better or worse than they are or have been). And yes, I am personally making work of apologizing and addressing those I have hurt through this but only those who were directly involved, the rest of you who feel you are owed an apology will have to be satisfied with this because you were not directly involved with such offenses in regard to adultery and sexual addiction. As far as offenses of half-truths, if I were to apologize for every such offense; for which I am grateful the Holy Spirit has interceded on my behalf because it would be impossible for me to bring to mind every such offense and if that were the case, I would have time for nothing else. ;) (see Romans 8:26-27)

Please pray for me in regard to this sin. Adultery and sexual addiction aren't going to be an issue anymore but half-truths are a constant battle.

Much love to you all in Christ, God bless you and thanks for your prayers and for not judging me??? I sure hope not! ;)

~ Miriam Kristi Van Dam

*See, when I say God uses what was meant for evil and uses it for good: Ryan and I are considering a business/ministry opportunity that we can do together to address the problems we have faced in our marriage, are still working on and help others with their marriages - together. :) The question now in regard to this, will others let the past be the past and support us? If not, I believe if this is the right thing for us to do and so far we do, God will bring others to help us.

James 5:16
King James Version (KJV)
16Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.

The question now is, will *you* do the same or sit back in pride and wallow in self pity? ;)

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